Our History
A long-standing tradition of service, a future of growth and change.
For more than 80 years, AFSCME Local 258 has been an advocate for classified employees within the Elk Grove Unified School District.
Local 258 was chartered by a school district in 1940, and has been providing advocacy, education and services since EGUSD’s consolidation of the smaller districts across the area in 1959.
Local 258 represents the most diverse group of workers in the EGUSD from the district’s main office to satellite locations, as well as each and every school site. Our workers include but are not limited to: maintenance, trades, food services, school and office assistants, district groundskeepers, library technicians, custodians, adult education, technology, accounting, and payroll.
We encourage all members and potential members to familiarize themselves with the following important documents:
The current EGUSD-AFSCME labor contract/agreement (adopted February 2021; effective through June 30, 2024), which can be found on the EGUSD website: https://www.egusd.net/Employment/Quick-Links/Union-Contracts/index.html
Local 258 Constitution (September 2008), which outlines our governance structure and policies.
For the complete list of job classifications represented by Local 258, please see Salary Schedule #21 on the EGUSD website, under Employment: https://www.egusd.net/Employment/Quick-Links/Salary-Schedules/index.html
The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) is the largest trade union in the United States, representing more than one million workers at every level of public service. AFSCME has more than 4,000 locals and Local 258 is one of the oldest.
Union services, such as education and training, are delivered through our membership in Council 57, an umbrella organization of AFSCME locals in Northern California.
For more information about AFSCME International, please visit:
- AFSCME International website: arpstories.afscme.org
- Governance documents, including the local election manual, how to participate in local meetings, officer/steward handbooks, and more, can be found at: https://arpstories.afscme.org/about/governance
- Member resources and benefits information: https://arpstories.afscme.org/member-resources
For more information about Council 57, please visit: afscme57.org
As a part of the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), AFSCME provides political/legislative representation; research and communications assistance; and specialized training. Locally, we are affiliated with the AFL-CIO’s Sacramento County Central Labor Council.
For more information about the AFL-CIO, please visit: aflcio.org
For more information about the Sacramento County Central Labor Council, please visit: saclabor.org
AFSCME Member Bill of Rights
The AFSCME Member Bill of Rights was adopted in 1965 and has been periodically revised and ratified by member delegates during the union convention.
- No person otherwise eligible for membership in this union shall be denied membership, or otherwise discriminated against as a member, because of race, creed, color, national origin, ethnicity, sex, age, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, immigration status, or political belief.
- Members shall suffer no impairment of freedom of speech concerning the operations of this union. Active discussion of union affairs shall be encouraged and protected within this organization.
- Members shall have the right to conduct the internal affairs of the union free from employer domination.
- Members shall have the right to fair and democratic elections, at all levels of the union. This includes due notice of nominations and elections, equal opportunity for competing candidates, and proper election procedures which shall be constitutionally specified.
- Members shall have an equal right to run for and hold office, subject only to constitutionally specified qualifications, uniformly applied.
- Members shall have the right to a full and clear accounting of all union funds at all levels. Such accounting shall include, but not be limited to, periodic reports to the membership by the appropriate fiscal officers and periodic audits by officers elected for that purpose or by independent auditors not otherwise connected with the union.
- Members shall have the right to full participation, through discussion and vote, in the decision making processes of the union, and to pertinent information needed for the exercise of this right. This right shall specifically include decisions concerning the acceptance or rejection of collective bargaining contracts, memoranda of understanding, or any other agreements affecting their wages, hours, or other terms and conditions of employment. All members shall have an equal right to vote and each vote cast shall be of equal weight.
- Charges against a member or officer shall be specific and shall be only on grounds provided in this Constitution. Accused members or officers shall have the right to a fair trial with strict adherence to due process. The accused shall be considered innocent until proven guilty.

From hard-fought contract victories to moments of unwavering solidarity, our Local 258 history is rich with examples of what’s possible when people come together to demand change. Our members have proven time and again that we are stronger together, tackling challenges and creating lasting impact for workers and students alike.